16 februari 2011

You Can't Describe it w Words

What we've been seeing the last couple of days is nothing I can describe w words. Everything is so different, unique, special, and quite. Tuesday morning we flew to Varanasi to experience the Hindi rituals of cremation, and the evening and morning prayers at the Ganges river.with 3.2million ppl in the city and an infrastructure far away from developed, you would imagine a place in chaos. But w/o any traffic rules, only some few recommendations, such as keep your vehicle to left on the road and it might be easier for u to come through, they are all collaborating to make the system work. The crowded streets, poor begging ppl, bargain, and the big cremeation industry gives you relaxation. I know it sounds weird but the whole time in Varanasi we all found this very nice feeling.

At 5am this morning, we woke up to view the ppl take a bath in the holy river. We wre out by boat, and saw the pilgrims and the inhabitants washing and praying.

More about this later. My internet time is out,


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